A noninterventionist foreign policy according to Wikipedia

Last night as I was laying down to bed, I wondered what wikipedia had to say about ‘nonintervention’.  This moring I plugged it into the search engine and this is what I got: Is a foreign policy that holds that all political rulers should avoid alliances with other nations and avoid all wars not directly related to terrotorial self-defense.  A similar phrase is “strategic independence”.

Wikipedia goes on to say that noninterventionism is one step removed from isolationism.  But those who support noninterventionism say that their policies are more open to the world because they support trade and friendly commerce with all nations.  Such examples as this would be presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, and both men set the standard for American foreign policy.  It should also be noted that the noninterventionist foriegn policy lasted well up and until WWI.

President George Washington advised to avoid “foreign entanglements”.  Thomas Jefferson favored “peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.”  John Quincy Adams advised the the U.S. “goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.”

It seems as though the words of our founding fathers and the words of our constitution have fallen on deaf ears.  Not only is the interventionist foreign policy bringing economic ruin to the United States by ‘breaking the bank’, but it is turning world opinion against us.  Peoples around the world who used to like us now see us as arrogant, and the pitbull of the U.N.

The interventionist foreign policy is the most corrupt form of coercion ever devised.  If you don’t think so, just take George Bush giving military hardware and billions of borrowed dollars to the radical Islamic military dictatored (at the time, now unstable) Pakistan.  I should share that I saw a report on CNN a while back that Pakistan is believed to have ties to radical Islamic terrorists.

These are our friends?

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